Sunday, January 5, 2014

Towards old-school-izing two new school classes... but not the usual two!

I (And a lot of others) have fiddled around since 4e's release with bringing the Warlock and the Warlord into an old-school paradigm. That's been done enough, and successfully enough, that it's not what I'm here to talk about.

I think I want to go after two other newer classes: the 3.x/4e/PF Sorcerer, and the PF Oracle. I've always liked the idea behind the sorcerer, the natural aptitude for magic is an interesting variation... especially with the magical bloodline fluff that both Paizo and WOTC went on to implement in it. I don't yet know how I'm gonna work it, especially if I want to keep things simple, but I'm going to do a little researching, and maybe discuss it around the usual places, and see what ideas there are to see.

The Oracle I know less intimately, but it seems to me to stand as a take on the Cleric concept that is less fraught with the implicit assumptions that have so frustrated me on this blog (even if I've learned to live with them... it would still simplify my life to not have to. So I want to see where I can take that.)


  1. I could. I'm not sure if I want to, but it's a possibility.

  2. What's with the 3.5 bit? They were in 3.0, too!

    I've always loved how sorcerers could study new, unusual arcane spells. That's a necessary feature. I also liked the DMGs suggestion that they might make deals with devils and such to gain new spells

    Actually, this gives me an idea for my game. Drop the generic magic-user. All M-Us are specialist wizards with different spell lists, à la 1E. Add the sorceror, who can learn any arcane spell, but they can only know so many and must make pacts with magical creatures to obtain them (the pacts may even be enough of a limit on their own)

  3. Good catch, Oats, I'll edit to reflect that.

    That would be a neat variant-- I'm not usually one for specialist wizards, but that one is quite interesting.
