Sunday, January 19, 2014

Demon Project: Type I demons

Original post here.

And so, without further ado, the first phase of the Demon Crowdsource Project. As a reminder, here's how it works: I'll post the statistics for each type of demon in turn, then we'll generate 13 names and descriptions or variant demons that use the same stats-- One from the standard D&D presentation (the specific fluff descriptions I'm using are from AD&D 2e, but the stats are from Labyrinth Lord), six original ones from me, and six more original ones from you readers. Little adjustments, particularly in terms of its special abilities, are okay, but try to keep it compatible. If you can provide an image, so much the better, but just a name and description is all I ask.

Demon, Type I
No. Enc.: 1d3 (1d6)
Alignment: Chaotic (evil)
Movement: 120' (40')
Fly: 180' (60')
Armor Class: 0
Hit Dice: 8
Attacks: 5 (2 claws, 2 rear claws, beak)
Damage: 1d4/1d4/1d8/1d8/1d6
Save: F8
Morale: 11
Hoard Class: XXI

XP: 2,060
These demons [...] are susceptible to damage from ordinary weapons. In combat they may attack with all five attacks if airborne, or 2 claws and a bite if on the ground. Type I Demons have the following spell-like abilities usable at will: darkness 10ft. radius, detect invisibility, and telekinesis (200lbs.). In addition, a Type I demon may gate (10% probability of success) a Type I demon.
(Statistics cribbed from Labyrinth Lord Advanced Edition Companion)

Some Type I demons have the ability to shed spores, or to join together and unleash a deadly wave of energy.

  1. Vrock: Vrocks look like a cross between a large human and a vulture, with strong, sinewy limbs covered with fine gray feathers; long necks and vulture heads; and wicked claws and beak.
  2. Baalzibi: Baalzibis are horrible fly-creatures, covered in sticky red skin. Their wings drone constantly even when they are on the ground. Their front four limbs end in scorpions' claws, and ovipositors along their back constantly birth foul maggots.
  3. Zhaddak: Zhaddaks are elongated, tusked humanoids whose arms bifurcate at the elbow: the upper forearms end in seven-fingered hands, while the lower ones are like bat wings. Their feet are hard, shiny hooves like those of a young deer, and sharp enough to render their kicks deadly.
  4. Ssan: Ssans are like fierce, stooped chimpanzees, with the heads and iron scales of gorgons on their chest and belly. They have twin elephant trunks, and the hair on their back constantly twitches and waves, catching the air and allowing it to fly
  5. Talsor: Talsori are radially symmetrical, like a starfish: each of its five limbs is a serpent with a wolf's head and an owl's wing. When it walks, it alternates which limb is the head, though it has two least favorites that are the feet 80% of the time. These two resent the other three heads.
  6. Guz: Guzim look like angelic men at first blush, but have teeth in place of fingernails and wasp's stingers in place of teeth. Their skin is a sickly greenish-pink, and they wear iron boots.
  7. Krorvarius: Krorvarii are like floating, tentacle-less octopi, but their heads are inflated with lightweight gases. Their sharp beaks contain four tongues of molten iron.
  8. Grue - Tall humanoid creatures with ochre-colored skin covered in rosy, undulating polyps. Their faces have no features except for two large, pink eyes without lids or pupils. Each eye is rimmed with a black crust. 
  9. A wide mouth filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth bisects their swollen bellies. 
  10. Their arms and legs are long tentacle-like protuberances tapering into pulpy cauliflower-like extremities. These are laced with a gelatinous slime that allows the Grue to climb walls and hang from ceilings.
  11. (credit to Ben Djarum)
  12. K'crov - these demons look, just like a vrock, like a gruesome mix of vulture and man, but reversed. They possess birdlike claws on their arms, clawed human feet and a human head filled with sharp teeth. Their wings look like membranes from human skins. Their bodies are featherless, and covered in coarse stubble like hair, but for the shoulders. (Reverse the damage of claws and hindclaws and diminish the damage of the mouth to 1d4) (credit to rorschachhamster)
  13. Montelupich: Montelupich are demons with ivory-white, feminine bodies that might be considered beautiful were it not for their grotesquely thin and elongated limbs. In place of arms, they have black wings like those of ravens, each feather a razor-sharp slice of obsidian. Their feet are the hands of night hags, crudely stitched on. They attack in crowds, lifting people far into the sky before dropping them to their death. (credit to my brother)
  14. The Claunge Herebanthu: Appear as enormous brazen locusts with the heads of gnashing lunatics, spluttering streams of delirious invective and dancing in furious pain.They desire to gnaw through the fabric of the multiverse to the abysms of original chaos where all may dance beyond time and space. They are winged and bladed and frantic. (credit to Tom Fitzgerald)
  15. Khal'aght: Appears as a distorted, headless woman with gray or black bird wings for arms, talons for feet, a singe large eye at the navel, and a black beak at the crotch. Tends to lure victims by mimicking the cries of distressed women and child (usually the cries of past victims). (credit to Malcadon at OD&D Discussion Boards)
  16. Vul'ku: Appears with a roughly humanoid torso, with a long-necked vulture heads, a scorpion tail with stinger, and long thin wing-like limbs ending in talons. The limbs bend backwards at the shoulders or hip, then bend forwards an the elbows or knees, and between the base of the limbs and the wrists or ankles are a set of fan-like patagium wings. It avoids frontal assaults, in favor or rear attacks form above. As it moves awkwardly on the ground, they always climb walls and ceilings, or fly around. (credit to Malcadon at OD&D Discussion Boards)


  1. Grue - Tall humanoid creatures with ochre-colored skin covered in rosy, undulating polyps. Their faces have no features except for two large, pink eyes without lids or pupils. Each eye is rimmed with a black crust.
    A wide mouth filled with rows of razor-sharp teeth bisects their swollen bellies.
    Their arms and legs are long tentacle-like protuberances tapering into pulpy cauliflower-like extremities. These are laced with a gelatinous slime that allows the Grue to climb walls and hang from ceilings.

  2. K'crov - these demons look, just like a vrock, like a gruesome mix of vulture and man, but reversed. They possess birdlike claws on their arms, clawed human feet and a human head filled with sharp teeth. Their wings look like membranes from human skins. Their bodies are featherless, and covered in coarse stubble like hair, but for the shoulders. (Reverse the damage of claws and hindclaws and diminish the damage of the mouth to 1d4)

  3. The Claunge Herebanthu Appear as enormous brazen locusts with the heads of gnashing lunatics, spluttering streams of delirious invective and dancing in furious pain.They desire to gnaw through the fabric of the multiverse to the abysms of original chaos where all may dance beyond time and space. They are winged and bladed and frantic.

    Captcha: "they tyhleg" - It is wise not to look upon them while they tyhleg, it is a loathsome sight.
