Friday, July 5, 2013

Small animals for ACKS

% in Lair: 40%
Dungeon Enc: Solitary (1)/Clowder (1d6)
Wilderness Enc: Clowder (1d6)
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 2
Hit Dice: 1/2
Attacks: 1 (Claw)
Damage: 1d3-1
Save: Normal Man
Morale: 0
Treasure Type: Nil
Exp: 5

% in Lair: 20%
Dungeon Enc: Troop (2d6)/Den (5d6)
Wilderness Enc: Band (5d6)/Den (5d6)
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 120' (40')
Armor Class: 2
Hit Dice: 1
Attacks: 1 (Bite)
Damage: 1d3-1
Save: Normal Man
Morale: -1
Treasure Type: Nil
Exp: 5

% in Lair: 10%
Dungeon Enc: Pack (3d6)/Den (3d10)
Wilderness Enc: Horde (3d10)/Den (3d10)
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 120' (40')
>Swim: 60' (20')
Armor Class: 0
Hit Dice: 1/4
Attacks: 1 (Bite)
Damage: 1d3-1
Save: Normal Man
Morale: 0
Treasure Type: A
Exp: 5

% in Lair: 20%
Dungeon Enc: None
Wilderness Enc: Flock (1d6)/Murder (2d6)
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: --
>Fly 330' (110')
Armor Class:1
Hit Dice: 1/4
Attacks: 1 (Peck)
Damage: 1d3-1
Save: Normal Man
Morale: -1
Treasure Type: A
Exp: 5

% in Lair: 20%
Dungeon Enc: None
Wilderness Enc: Solitary (1)/Nest (1d4)
Alignment: Neutral
Movement: 300' (100')
Armor Class: 1
Hit Dice: 1/2*
Attacks: 1 (Bite)
Damage: 1d2
Save: Normal Man
Morale: -1
Treasure Type: Nil
Exp: 7

Small animals such as these are commonly chosen by mages as their familiars.

Cats: Cats generally get on well with humans, and are kept as pets or to deal with vermin such as mice. They often attack from ambush if they can. The stats for a cat can also represent other small, mammalian predators such as foxes or weasels.

Monkeys: Monkeys often nest in treetops. Many humans find their climbing and leaping comical, but they are also relentless in defense of their nests. These stats represent small new world monkeys such as spider monkeys or capuchins, but they can also represent climbing animals of similar size such as Lemurs or Wallabies.

Rat: Ground-dwelling rodents, rats are a common pest all over the world, although some cultures admire their resourcefulness. Large groups of rats are better represented by a rat swarm. Some rats, like their giant brethren, carry disease. These stats can also easily be used for a number of other small, mostly-harmless animals such as toads, hedgehogs, squirrels or lizards,(by taking away their swim speed but making them good climbers), or rabbits (by taking away their swim speed and increasing their speed to 150'(50'))

Raven: Ravens are clever, omnivorous scavengers, and tend to hoard small, shiny objects in their nests. They are an extremely popular familiar. Some ravens can be taught to imitate speech. The stats for a raven can also be easily used for other largish birds such as parrots, gulls, and crows.

Owl: Owls are nocturnal hunters closely related to hawks. Owls can see perfectly well in darkness and have a +3 bonus to surprise checks do to their keen eyes and silent movements.

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